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Raisins drying in the sun. |

The first hike we took was the Dassie trail, a five-kilometer loop that follows the gorge for some distance to Arrow Point, a needle-like extension into the gorge from which a set of twin falls is visible, and then heads across the veld by some potholes in exposed granite and around Moonrock before returning to the campsite. We still weren't sure the trail was open, but it seemed fine except for a partially demolished section of boardwalk over a backwater stream near the beginning, so off we went! It was a really fun trail with lots of variety involving plenty of boulder scrambling, beautiful flowers blooming from the recent rains, and gorgeous views in absolutely every direction. Despite the heat, we enjoyed it very much and were able to find big boulders to shelter ourselves from the sun and rehydrate ourselves here and there. Then, just before we closed the loop, we came to a quickly-flowing and seemingly deep stream-crossing in which the boardwalk had been demolished and was nowhere in sight.
Jon cools off in the Dassie potholes |
Our next day there was spent on a shorter saunter down the canyon, dips in the park swimming pool, and dinner at the lodge with a view of the falls. On our last evening in the campground, we were invited to visit with a South African couple from Pretoria in their, as is the usual, very elaborate, comfortable, and complex camping compound. They were very nice and we had rusks, coffee, and Amarula in the velvet air. It is always interesting to hear about living in South Africa and we lingered longer than we intended, exchanging addresses before parting.
On the morning we left, the park had just managed to clear debris from damaged portions of the road and open them, so we took a quick drive before heading out, and were able to look at the canyon from a different overlook and saw two fish eagles perched far below that, without binoculars, looked like tiny white specks. The vegetation had changed dramatically with new plants and much more to see, but it was time for the next leg of our journey into Namibia to experience the lower portion of the Orange River by canoe!
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Campground before flood |
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Campground after flood. |
We launched early on the morning after our arrival. The canoes were fiberglass with two seats and our canoe was, of course, hot pink. Possessions are placed into 5-gallon pickle buckets with secure lids and are fit into inserts for the buckets and lashed to the canoe.
Our guides were two very nice and impressive young men: Jacko Meckloen, originally from the Kavango region of northern Namibia and Shilongo Nehemia from a nearby village, Jacko's father has also been a river guide for most of his life and is affectionately known as "Old Man River" so we quickly donned Jacko "Young Stud Man River" and he certainly was. Each guide had their own canoe which were loaded down with coolers, dining tables and other things with which to make us comfortable. Normally two people would not have a guide each, but with the river flowing beyond its banks and so swiftly, and with the unknown condition of the campsites and rest stops downstream, the owner's thought it would be safer to send two guides. This was the first trip Amanzi had made on the river since the floods, and they had witnessed no others on the river since the floods either.
We could immediately feel the power of the river as we were pulled into the current. Strange eddies and whirl pools would mysteriously appear and disappear. The high water meant that many of the rapids were at least partially submerged and we moved along fast, with waves sometimes topping the front of the canoe, but with no real skill involved in navigating! Just a short ways downriver, we stopped the canoes on a steep bank and took a short walk to look at some San rock engravings on shiny igneous black rocks. These were near the site of a hotel that burned down a few years back and there was an eerie mixture of building ruins, goats and cows, and these unprotected San engravings on black rocks set against a backdrop of rugged desert mountains. There were several different styles of engravings. It is speculated that the dotted technique used in some of the etchings was meant to represent a tingling sensation felt when a shaman in trance was transformed into the subject of the drawing.
When we stopped for lunch we had no idea what to expect. Well, Jacko and Shilongo started a fire and prepared a fine lunch-more elaborate than we expected. It was hot -- probably 110 degrees. Luckily the river cooled things down a bit. All of the shady stops for lunch and camping that Amanzi usually uses for their trips had been totally washed out and the guides were nervous about what they would find downriver for camping. We certainly did not have to paddle very hard as the current whipped us along. So we contemplated the incredible geology of the mountains lining the river. Our first night was at a site near an abandoned diamond mine. In a strange reverse of what we are accustomed to, the riparian vegetation along the river was composed of species of tamarix native to Namibia and exotic honey mesquite, which is native to Arizona. Honey mesquite is becoming a big problem here and throughout much of Namibia. Very hungry goats and cows were everywhere, with little forage in sight. Jacko and Shilongo prepared a fantastic meal of chicken grilled over the fire, fresh veggies, potatoes, desert, and tea and coffee. We took a stroll and chatted with them by the fire after dusk and learned some new constellations in the dark African sky. The next morning some very nice doggies showed up that we wanted to take with us, but our guides were firm on this issue.
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Shilongo and Jacko and our lunch buffet on the Orange River |
The next morning we left before the heat set in and soon stopped to scale a mountain canyon where Jacko could scout the rapids ahead. At the top, high above the river, was a small abandoned calcium flouride mine: a pretty and translucent green mineral. We collected a bag full for the campfire that night and then headed back downriver. That night we camped on an island free of goats, cows and shelter from the sun, and it was HOT. The bright sand radiated heat. Long after dusk heat poured up from the sand through the bottom of the tent and into us. After another luxurious dinner we enjoyed the campfire and then had some mini-fireworks by tossing the calcium fouride into the fire and watching the sparks explode from the heated mineral.
Our last day was a short leisurely day due to the swiftness of the current. We took a long nap at lunchtime, and afterward, just a few short bends in the river brought us to the end of our route. Jacko and Shilongo were dismayed to see that the landing now consisted of a steep berm of sand that ponded water behind it and that the last 200 meters of road was washed out, which meant the canoes and all of the gear had to be dragged over the berm in the searing heat and across the baking mud to a point the transport could reach. We helped as best we could, stopping short of passing out and creating a new problem for the guides. Our transport arrived after a short wait with a cooler full of drinks for everyone and we headed back for showers and a nice dinner.
We left Amanzi Trails after a fine breakfast and drove though the jagged dry desert with the River appearing and disappearing from view to the south. As we rounded a corner, suddenly hundreds of hectares of grape vineyards burst into view. These are grown mostly for table grapes and form a vivid green patch against the stark rock of the desert. Luckily, we are told that irrigation demands on the Orange River have yet to seriously impact water levels. On the far side of the irrigated vineyards on dry hills lies a vast migrant workers town called Aussenkehr. Most of the homes are constructed of reeds and tin and it is inhabited by the 14,000 people, most of which work seasonally for the vineyards. In late February, work demands are low so the township was mostly uninhabited. We turned off to visit the township’s Super Spar supermarket where everyone was as friendly as usual. We were captivated by a young girl looking longingly at school supplies in the store. Also, being morning, some people were already preparing for a day of drunkenness.
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Ais-Ai Spa |

sociable weaver nest in a kokerboom |
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Kiln at Holoog |
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Seehiem Hotel Bartender |
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Seeheim Hotel |
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Giant's Playground |
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Cheetah feeding at the boma |
We left Keetmanshoop the next day through that never-ending magnificent Namibian landscape. As we transitioned into the Kalahari desert a unique and favorite sight of ours increased and then was lining the highway by the hundreds: at first just a few powerpoles were covered by massive sociable weaver nests then more and soon almost all of the powerpoles were topped by these massive constructions. The nests do occasionally snap powerpoles or cause power outages.
We split the long trip home by spending a night in Uppington. Although we arrived in early afternoon, it was a Saturday and we could already tell it would be a big night for drinking. The campground we had in mind was damaged extensively by flooding and was closed until an undetermined point in the future. So we found a room at a small very pretty guest house overlooking the river, and went out for a not so quiet dinner at one of few nearby restaurants where "Shaun's bachelor Party" was already in full swing. It turned out to be a good night to forgo camping because a huge storm swept through during the wee hours. The rest of the trip home was full of admiration for the green, green, and gold grasses of the Kalahari and we arrived safely in Gaborone before dusk.
Since we returned, our time has been occupied by unloading and cleaning all of our camping gear, washing way funky laundry, and attempting to get residency permits (Jon-1; Priscilla-0). Our friend Karin has returned to the states to spend time with her ailing mother and family so our thoughts are with her and we wish her and her family peace and comfort. Although it may seem as though all we do is romp across the continent, thoughts of our families and friends are always with us, and your comments and messages are much appreciated!
Just two days after returning, we picked up a package from the Post Office downtown that our kind cousin Justine had mailed five months before! It was filled with things we have coveted all this time: walnuts, vitamins, books (they are extremely expensive here), drawings from Asher, bowl covers (!), movies, an electronic word game, Crocs, and Emergen-C! And then, just two days later, we received a replacement package she sent thinking the first package had been lost! So it is Christmastime in July for us here in Gaborone!!! THANK YOU JUSTINE, DAN, AND ASHER!!!
Sadly, an email has informed Jon that the Ministry of Education has decided that he cannot take his 48 students on the field trip to Khama Rhino Sanctuary next weekend as he had hoped, and the letter indicated that it could be rescheduled in April, but unfortunately, the Sanctuary cannot house the students at that time so there is not much that can be done about this. Such a sad loss for the students to say the least. Many Africans never get to visit their Parks and these enthusiastic students will be even more disappointed than we are.
With an unexpected void created in our schedule, we are contemplating a trip to the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg. If you haven't heard about it, take a look at our friend Phoebe's blog at:
Until our next installment, take care everyone. We'll be seeing you soon!